Dream Fund LA SBDC email footer


The Dream Fund has seen incredible amounts of interest, and grants are awarded based on funding availability and eligibility. Due to an overwhelming amount of interest in the program, not all applicants that are eligible will receive funding at this time. Receiving a code, submitting an application and/or being fully validated does not guarantee an applicant will receive a grant award.

Dream Fund Training Registration

California Dream Fund - Retail Training sign-up

Dream Fund Training for LA, Santa Barbara & Ventura-based Businesses

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Contact Information:

Please enter your company name, or leave blank if you have not yet decided. 

Please provide the address where your business is located. If you have not established a business location, please provide your home address. 


Tell us about your business:

Please tell us about yourself:

Terms and acknowledgements for participation in LA SBDC Dream Fund Training.

Please read and check the box to acknowledge program requirements.